Friday, August 11, 2017

Minimum Check list of Manual API Testing:

What is API? Why API?

API (Application Programming Interface):
An API defines how the software components or elements should interact with each other. APIs can be created using a whole host of different technologies. APIs help facilitates communication between a client and a server.

Why API Testing?

One of the most common ways to see companies benefiting from API monitoring is in production — making sure those live API endpoints are up, fast and returning the data that’s expected. By monitoring production endpoints, you’re in the loop as soon as anything breaks, giving you a critical head start to fix the problem before customers, partners or end-users notice.

 But at this point it may already be too late, as the customers will be unsatisfied and unhappy with their restful API not working or not accessible.

Most companies don’t think about how a failure of one of these interfaces can drastically reduce user experience and increase errors. APIs should be tested alongside other features and functionality.

How to Test APIs?
APIs are tested by doing the following:
  • Send calls/commands to the API
  • Wait for a response
  • Review the log of the system’s response to the call
  • Verify that the output matches the expected output values.
While it might seem to make sense to simply send a few calls to the API and see what the response is, it isn’t enough. API testing should be incorporated into the overall test scenarios so they can be replicated for future tests or even future projects.

Short Check List:

1. API End points pattern
2. API response pattern and format
3. API error response format
4. API success response format
5. API data response format
6. Success Status code consistency and valid code checking
7. Error status code consistency and valid code checking
8. Data types checking and consistency in all response checking
9. Data types consistency in all response checking
10. Returning Message meaning full checking

11. Customized message checking
12. Variables name consistency checking in all types of parameter
13. Endpoints naming convention checking
14. Blank value, missing parameter, wrong value, old value data passing and checking
15. Get, post, delete, patch, put API calling pattern is okay or not?
16. All naming convention consistency checking for all API endpoints
17. Cross checking with front end and back-end response and data
18. JSON value for all types of API calling is okay or not?
19. If any unsecured data passing without encryption?
20. Same request 2nd time calling, which API should not response if its response okay!?
21. Same variable cant be used multiple times in a response for different uses
22. Variable name camel case or underscore

API carries and returns all user's information and important Data of your apps and website. So its very important to check all steps of design and test procedure very carefully. So make it so perfect before use it in depth level in your apps.
Thanks. :)

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